David Beckham Fragrances –
Right By You.

I created the campaign for the new fragrance by style god/football legend David Beckham. The campaign was shot by Jack Davison - although technically shot by David Beckham himself, as the idea behind the campaign was that throughout his life, David has always done right by himself instead of relying on others to tell him what to do. So who better to capture his image than the man himself.

60 seconds David Beckham Fragrances video

Hero ‘60

David Beckham Fragrances Keyvisual

Right by you

Right by them

It gets better

Featuring film, print & POS, the campaign also starred three talents who in their own way have stayed true to themselves in their lives, despite what others might think of their choices.

Talents ’30

Jamie MacDonald

Leo Jonah

Lewis Cope

Sneak Peak

David Beckham Outdoor