The DropStore for the United Nations.

‘TheDropStore’ – products of a world in water crisis is a disturbing message that calls for global action

While many people are unaware of the long-term effects of a water crisis, the issue ultimately affects us all. If nothing is done, too much water, too little water and too dirty water can and will drastically change access to essential products, their form, availability, prices and even composition.

To give consumers a glimpse of how a water crisis will affect their daily lives, Neverland Amsterdam came up with the digital shop experience ‘TheDropStore’, which was launched at the UN Water Conference in New York. This digital environment was an extention on the creative concept pitched by Publicis Groupe Amsterdam and was needed to create awareness around possible water disasters and to motivate people to act now. ‘TheDropStore’ maps products like, soda, pizza pills, pure water, rice, and cheese.

Drought, flooding and scarcity of clean drinking water may seem a distant problem for some of us, but for half the world’s population – 3.6 billion people – it is the daily reality. And if we don’t act now, a water crisis might impact us earlier than expected.

Creative Concept

Fabrizio Di Bon The Dropstore flat

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